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Oil & Gas
Gost and EAC certifications for the oil&gas sector. Certification 032/2013 for pressure equipment and 012/2011 for hazardous environments.
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Gost and EAC certifications for consumer goods. From foodstuff to house appliances.
Construction products
EAC certifications for the constructions sector, equipment and material
Low voltage and EMC
EAC certifications according to TR CU 020/2011 and 004/2011 for low voltage equipment.
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Gost R certification center for Russia and EAC Customs Union
Introduction to the EAC certification: this site has been designed with a clear goal in mind, to make understandable the Russian certification system, in the past commonly known as GOST R, but today almost completely taken over by the EAC certifications, mostly EAC declarations but also EAC certificates, to an international public unfamiliar with the Russian language. The certification and the consequent EAC label is not only valid in Russia but all over the Eurasian Economic Union including other than Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
The certification system of the Eurasian Economic Union is also known under various names, including: certification CU TR (Technical Regulation Custom Union), TR TS certification (an acronym for технический регламент таможенного союза) and certification EAC of Eurasian Customs Union.
The site, in order to foster fluidity and clarity, is for the most part devoted to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The same principles are however widely applicable also to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. TechSert has got the experience to be able to handle the same situations in the five countries of the Eurasian Community.
Before going into a detailed explanation of the new Russian EAC certification and its normative background, we believe it may be useful to clarify certain points purely operational. The most of Gost R and EAC certifications are mandatory in order to have access at all to the Russian market and the markets of the five EAC members: for example a Declaration EAC, a Certificate EAC, a mandatory Gost R certification or an EAC EX certificate for devices in explosive classified areas.
The following procedural features have an extremely practical outlook and refer uniquely to procedures carried out through the organization TechSert Group. The specificity of the certification procedures in Russia, is due to the fact that most of the documents are managed by independent accredited organizations, with an overall supervision of the Russian Federal authorities. Hence a crucial degree of independence and discretion is present in each operation carried out through the chosen organization.
The most articulate section of the site is devoted to the EAC Certifications, including the declaration EAC and the certificate EAC issued in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Custom Union (TR TS or TR CU in the English version). These regulations continually evolve and expand their range of action. They have gradually entered into force since 2012, to end up covering most of the sectors by the end of 2014. The Certificate EAC and Declaration of conformity EAC are mandatory for the regulated products. Holding one or more EAC certifications is therefore a necessary step of the process of importation and commercialization of every kind of product in Russia and in the Eurasian Economic Union. A list of all the Technical Regulations in force can be found at the EAC certifications page. The issuance of such documents in favor of a product entitles the producer to affix EAC marking logo on the packaging of the certified product and whenever necessary on the product itself.
EAC certifications and certification for special pourposes
Under the EAC certification system, there are the regulations for explosion-proof products (EAC EX TR CU 012/2011 on the safety of equipment in potentially explosive classified areas) that regulate the issuance of the Certificate EAC EX similar to the European ATEX; and the regulation TR CU 032/2013 on the safety of pressure equipment, parallel to the PED Pressure Equipment Directive.
The Mandatory Gost R certificate remains in force for a limited number of product categories, like medium and high voltage equipment, constantly decreasing. The voluntary Gost R certificate is instead attainable for most of the products: either a stand alone certificate in case the product category is not regulated by mandatory certifications, or in combination with an EAC Certificate or an EAC Declaration. The voluntary Gost R certificate remains commercially valuable, due to the well known Gost R marking logo associated with it. The presence of the Gost R logo on the product in fact, should ensure quality to consumers.
An extremely important certificate is, for its limited range of applicability, the Gost R Metrological Pattern Approval for measuring instruments. This document is exclusive to the sector of measuring devices and components and, unlike the documents listed so far, its issuing is left to the Federal bodies of Russian Federation through our mediation. The attainment process of the Pattern of Approval includes various steps that may prove burdensome in terms of time, the details on the Pattern of Approval page.

EAC certification for shoes, clothing and bags
4 October 2017EAC certification for foodstuffs
3 October 2017
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